Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: CT Neck - 1

Description: CT REPORT - Soft Tissue Neck
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

This is a middle-aged male with an epiglottic mass, odynophagia, and involvement of the left aryepiglottic fold, piriform sinus, and vallecula. High resolution transaxial images were obtained with reformatted sagittal and coronal images.

There is a lobulated mass lesion of the epiglottis measuring approximately 22 x 16 x 30 mm (mediolateral x AP x craniocaudal) in size. There is slightly greater involvement on the right side however there is bilateral involvement of the aryepiglottic folds. There is marked enlargement of the bilateral aryepiglottic folds (left greater than right). There is thickening of the glossoepiglottic fold. There is an infiltrative mass like lesion extending into the pre-epiglottic space.

There is no demonstrated effacement of the piriform sinuses. The mass obliterates the right vallecula. The paraglottic spaces are normal. The true and false cords appear normal. Normal thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid cartilages.

There is lobulated thickening of the right side of the tongue base, for which invasion of the tongue cannot be excluded. A MRI examination would be of benefit for further evaluation of this finding.

There is a 14 x 5 x 12 mm node involving the left submental region (Level I).

There is borderline enlargement of the bilateral jugulodigastric nodes (Level II). The left jugulodigastric node

measures 14 x 11 x 8 mm while the right jugulodigastric node measures 15 x 12 x 8 mm.

There is an enlarged second left high deep cervical node measuring 19 x 14 x 15 mm also consistent with a left Level II node, with a probable necrotic center.

There is an enlarged second right high deep cervical node measuring 12 x 10 x 10 mm but no demonstrated central necrosis.

There is an enlarged left mid level deep cervical node measuring 9 x 16 x 6 mm, located inferior to the hyoid bone but cephalad to the cricoid consistent with a Level III node.

There are two enlarged matted nodes involving the right mid level deep cervical chain consistent with a right Level III nodal disease, producing a conglomerate nodal mass measuring approximately 26 x 12 x 10 mm.

There is a left low level deep cervical node lying along the inferior edge of the cricoid cartilage measuring approximately 18 x 11 x 14 mm consistent with left Level IV nodal disease.

There is no demonstrated pretracheal, prelaryngeal or superior mediastinal nodes. There is no demonstrated retropharyngeal adenopathy.

There is thickening of the adenoidal pad without a mass lesion of the nasopharynx. The torus tubarius and fossa of Rosenmuller appear normal.

Epiglottic mass lesion with probable invasion of the glossoepiglottic fold and pre-epiglottic space with invasion of the bilateral aryepiglottic folds.

Lobulated tongue base for which tongue invasion cannot be excluded. An MRI may be of benefit for further assessment of this finding.

Borderline enlargement of a submental node suggesting Level I adenopathy.

Bilateral deep cervical nodal disease involving bilateral Level II, Level III and left Level IV.

Keywords: radiology, deep cervical node, epiglottic mass, epiglottic space, aryepiglottic folds, jugulodigastric nodes, level deep, cervical node, deep cervical, node, jugulodigastric, aryepiglottic, deep, cervical,